Gotong Royong: Feb 2020
(Love Is... / Street Oddity)
Fri 14 Feb 2020,
Chat with the artists about the stories behind their photographs, over gin and red roses. A red rose comes free with a cocktail ($14+).
Gotong Royong: Feb 2020
(Love Is... / Street Oddity)
3 — 28 Feb 2020
Meet The Artists
Fri 14 Feb 2020,
6pm — 8pm
Chat with the artists about the stories behind their photographs, over gin and red roses. A red rose comes free with a cocktail ($14+).
Gotong Royong (or 'Communal Spirit') is the Arts Club's new open call programme for budding artists - whether you're a designer, photographer, abstract painter, or more. The programme represents a community spirit that the Arts Club hopes to embody and practise. These month long group shows happen quarterly, so apply now.
All original photographs are for sale, and can be framed upon request. view the works and buy them online, visit our e-store.
about the artists
Hi there, it's Naz to meet you. As a bartender, my hands are my tools - they help me create new worlds. The use of hands are very important in my photography and helps me express my ideas. Photography is my creative outlet; a platform that helps me illuminate the world in my own unorthodox way. See more on Instagram: @theshuttterbug
Elancharan Gunasekaran is an experimental artist and street photographer residing in Singapore. He has a strange love for all things poetical and sci-fi. He is inspired by Dadaist movements, butoh and anarchism. He believes that humans are capable of governing themselves without the need of political systems. His photography and experimental works have been published in Burning House Press, RIC Journal and Maintenant: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Art and Writing.
He arts on Instagram: @elancharang and at www.elancharang.com